Pretty Litter reviews can help us determine whether this product is worth our money or not. It can guide our decision-making before purchasing. In this case, will their cat litter support your expectations? Will our cats love this litter? Furthermore, can it control the odors coming out from our cats’ litter? All of that, we will find out later. We will dig into details that can answer our queries about Pretty Litter. So, please come and join me.
What is Pretty Litter?
Are you a cat lover? How much do you know your cat? Additionally, can you immediately recognize if your cats are not feeling well? Generally speaking, our pets cannot voice out anything about their pain or if they are not feeling well. That is one of the most challenging parts of being a pet owner.
Even though you can see symptoms on them, it would be difficult to find out what is exactly wrong with them. No matter how much you try to ask them, there is a zero percent chance of getting an answer. But when it comes to cats, Pretty Litter claims that the owners can find out if something’s wrong with their furry friends by using their cat litter box.
Additionally, with the help of these litter boxes, you can monitor your cat’s health at the comfort of your home. Daniel Rotman founded Pretty Litter after losing his beloved cat without determining the visible signs of sickness. With this, they aim to owners not to lose their cats from the same situation.
The Composition of Pretty Litter
Pretty Litter has the unique characteristic of changing its color to determine the health condition of your feline friends. However, despite its capability to do so, we cannot set aside regular visits to the veterinarian. Pretty Litter cannot be a replacement for veterinary care.
In this case, let us find out more details about this unique cat litter. We will see how Pretty Litter works and trace something odd based on our cat’s urine. So, let’s move forward and unleash what Pretty Litter has in store for us.
1 Color Coding
This cat litter is a non-clumping crystal cat litter, which can help identify if the cat is healthy or not. Additionally, it uses a color-coding system that changes according to your cat’s urine. The colors signify a normal health condition to the point that your cat already needs to see a vet.
Pretty Litter’s crystals represent health conditions through particular colors. Please see the details below to know the issue after the crystal changes color.
- Yellow or Olive Green: This color signifies that your cat’s pH is at an average level. It means everything is good at this point.
- Blue: If the crystals changed into the color blue, it means that your cat’s urine has a high level of pH. The situation may indicate a urinary tract infection. Furthermore, a high level of urine pH can lead to the occurrence of bladder stones.
- Orange: If the urine turned into the color orange, it only means that it is acidic. In this case, the cat may have metabolic acidosis or kidney tubular acidosis.
- Red: Lastly, turning into this color means that there is blood in the urine. The blood may signify bladder inflammation, bladder stones, or urinary tract infection.
Who would have thought that owners can do health monitoring by using the cat’s litter box? Cat owners can now somehow feel at ease and act immediately according to the color of the crystals inside the litter box. Let’s keep moving forward and see more of what Pretty Litter can offer to cat parents.
2 Dust Levels
The company claims that this cat litter is 99.9% dust-free. Even veterinarians stated that crystal litters create lesser dust levels compared to the traditional clay litter. Some reviews from various customers have claimed that it is not the case for Pretty Litter.
For this reason, their cats have been experiencing watery eyes. During their visit to the vet, the assumption of the cause turned out to be from dust. It made these cat owners return to using clay litter again. Given this point, it would be best to research about the products keenly beforehand.
3 The Use of Silica Gel Crystals
The crystal litter contains silica gel beads with high absorbent features but is not clumping. In this case, cat parents can easily scoop out feces and mix the urine, making the silica gel absorb the odor. Meanwhile, the company recommends the replacement of the litter box once a month per cat.
Generally speaking, it would be best to ask your vet about the most appropriate litter for your cat. It would be better to know your cat’s overall health condition first. This way, you can assure that your cat will be safe from the kind of litter you will use for them.
Moreover, it would also help to introduce the cats slowly to the new type of litter. The vet even recommends the mixture of old and new, initially. Some cats are not fond of the feels they get from walking into the crystal litters.
The Need to Monitor Your Cat’s Health
Health monitoring for cats is also necessary. Our feline friends are susceptible to developing a wide range of illnesses. Some of these issues include the following.
- Compulsive grooming
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Hyperthyroidism
- Kidney failure
- Lower urinary tract infection
- Shedding
- Vomiting
- Upper respiratory infections
Each of these conditions may show various symptoms. When you already noticed that something is odd with our furry friends, it would be best to immediately bring them to the vet. This way, we can prevent the situation from severing.
Furthermore, we can ask the vets for ideas to help monitor the cat’s condition. The health of our feline friends depends on how much we know them. A simple and unusual change in their behaviors can already make us think that something is wrong.
How about you? How much do you know your furry friends? Aside from that, will you be able to notice the changes in their behaviors? It is the essence of why you need to know your cat. As their fur parent, their welfare lies in your hands and how you care for them.
Knowing Your Cat
Aside from focusing on applying odor control in your cat’s non-clumping litter, it would help to know their personality. Two cats will never be the same. They will show individual characteristics that you should identify for both of them.
Some cats may enjoy belly rubs, while others do not. Did you know that the hair follicles from the cats’ belly and tail areas are highly sensitive? For this reason, petting them in these areas is not a good idea at some point.
Generally speaking, people often think of their feline pals as pretty weird. Are they weird? Or can we say that we don’t know them well enough? In this case, when it comes to our cat’s litter, we should consider all the essential aspects to secure our cats’ safety.
Subscription in Pretty Litter
Pretty Litter offers a subscription service. In this case, one bag of litter from the company can last about a month for an average cat. Furthermore, you have to dump the entire bag inside the litter box, making it two inches deep.
Additionally, you have to mix it up daily. This way, your pets will not wet the same spot. The customers can decide their subscription plan according to their cat’s age. Moreover, they can also consider how much their pet loves to dig and the number of cats they have at home.
The subscription involves free shipping (in the Contiguous US), 30-day risk-free guarantee, and customers can cancel it anytime. The cost of the subscription, on average, is $22 monthly. It is lesser compared to other brand competitors.
Pretty Litter – The Cat Litter Review
Pretty litter is made of crystal litters, so you will not be scooping away as much. In effect, there will be less litter to end up in landfills. On the other hand, if you are not diligent enough to mix it, it can also cause an awful smell inside the house.
The review of a customer for a bag of Pretty Litter can determine the effectiveness of the product. Like how a review contradicted the claim of less dust in this product compared to traditional clay litters. In effect, it could change the outlook of each customer in purchasing a new bag of Pretty Litter.
Overall, each bag of Pretty Litter for your pet cats may or may not fit them. But still, it’s worth the try. It would be best to ask your vet beforehand. Your cat’s health is far more vital than any product that is worth trying for them.
Review: Pretty Litter, Medea Giordano, May 22, 2020,
We Found A Magical Cat Litter That Changes Color Based On Your Cat’s Health, Sam Howell, June 08, 2021,