Eye injuries are a usual occurrence in dogs and most often differ in extremity. Once you notice that your dog’s eye is somewhat different from its usual appearance, do not have second thoughts and take them to their vet right away. Your dog will most likely undergo a dog eye injury treatment to prevent scarring and irreversible damages to its eye. If you wish to learn more about dog eye injuries, go to this link.
Signs and Symptoms of Dog Eye Injury
It’s easy to distinguish if your dog is not feeling well and is in need of total care. But sometimes, injuries in a dog’s eye occur without even showing any symptoms, this makes it hard for you as a pet owner to figure out what’s happening to them. However, if you notice them showing the following signs, take them to their vet immediately:
Showing signs of distress. Your jolly and carefree dogs will start to feel uncomfortable and show signs that he or she is not comfortable in any way.
- Squinting. Look directly in their eyes and see if they are squinting, this is an indication that they are having a hard time seeing.
- Excessive blinking. They might blink excessively in the attempt of fixing their vision.
- Not being able to open their eyes. You’ll know that they have an eye injury if they suddenly can’t open their eyes. This condition needs quick treatment and check-up.
- Tearing. Severe tearing is a sign that their eyes are most probably infected and in need of prompt treatment.
- Wound in the eyes. Dogs are energetic in nature. This makes them prone to eye injuries while they are playing outdoor.
- Eye discharge. Another indicator of infection is yellowish or greenish discharge coming from their eyes.
- Pawing at the eye. If you notice that your dog is attempting to scratch their eyes, take it as a sign that their eyes feel itchy and they want to relieve it.
- Changes in the eye color. This symptom might come up as something that makes the color of their eyes somewhat cloudy or covered.
Veterinarians highly suggest not to self medicate when it comes to sensitive body parts issues. Your dog’s eye is one of the most precious things that you need to take care of as it will greatly affect their health and way of living if they lose their sight.
Always consult a medical professional to guarantee that they receive the best treatment and don’t suffer the consequences.
Causes of Eye Injury In Dogs
It’s quite frustrating when the dog that you’ve been treating like a baby gets injuries out of nowhere. What makes it even more exasperating is that they can’t talk and you can’t fully understand the symptoms that they are showing.
Some of the common causes of eye injury in dogs include the following:
- Fighting or playing with other animals.
- Own fault causes like digging or running in dirty areas.
- Being exposed to hazardous components.
- Riding a car with an open window.
- Natural causes like insect bites.
- Eye pollutants.
- Allergies to spray on chemicals such as perfume or hand sanitizer.
You will be able to understand your dog’s eye condition effectively if you will bring it to the eye doctor for treatment. A professional veterinarian will know what causes their eye injury and what kind of treatments will be more suitable for them.
Kinds Of Eye Injuries
There are only two classifications of eye injuries in dogs. The simple and complicated eye problems. Let’s start with the Simple Eye Injury. Simple injury often affects the outer layer of the eyes, also known as the cornea and the sclera, the white part. In this situation, a foreign object finds a way to pierce through the cornea causing irritation and eye redness.
The second kind of eye injury in dogs is called Complicated Injury. This is a serious and severe condition that needs prompt medical attention as it might infect the inner parts of the dog’s eye such as the retina, lens, and eyelid. If left untreated, it might cause several complications in the eye, or worse, blindness.
How It’s Diagnosed
As mentioned, your dog’s doctor will typically conduct tests and examinations to determine the root cause of their eye injury. You can help them by giving out complete and accurate information about the symptoms of your dog. It’s important for the doctor to know the recent activities of your dog, you will most likely be asked if they were exposed to fireworks, chemicals, or outdoor activities. For a more precise diagnosis, the veterinarian will conduct an ocular assessment to fully evaluate the reaction of your dog’s eye to stimulants. After being diagnosed, your dog will be prescribed a treatment fit for its condition.
Treatment for Dog’s Eye Injury
The treatment for your dog’s eye will depend on the severity of the injury. Simple treatments like flushing of the eye will come first. This is the initial way to ensure that their eye irritation is not caused by foreign objects. If that is the case, the dog might need to wear an Elizabethan collar along with medication and eye drops. The medication will help in relieving the irritating sensation that your dog is experiencing and prevent bacterial infections.
In rare cases, eye surgery might be the treatment option for your dog. In this procedure, the veterinarian will conclude by surgically examining their eyes to determine the root cause of the problem. Once it’s verified, they will try to restore the function of the damaged eye. After the operation, your dog will also undergo medication to prevent inflammation and aid in the recovery process. To guarantee the full healing of your dog, follow the guidelines that the vet will give you and be sure to give them the correct dosage of medication.
It can be quite challenging to keep your dog well behaved especially if they are naturally playful. Because of this, they put themselves in the peril of being injured. As a pet owner, the best that you can do to help them stay safe is to be observant of the changes in their behavior and to always make sure that they are playing in a safe environment.