cat bleeding from mouth

If your cat is bleeding from the mouth, there’s a good chance that you’re feeling panicked right now. After all, it can be pretty alarming to see your furry friend with blood coming out of their mouth. In this article, we will discuss the causes of mouth bleeding in cats and treat it. We will also cover some steps that you can take to help prevent mouth bleeding in cats. So read on to learn more!

  • Bleeding from Mouth
  • Cat bleeding from Mouth: The Causes
  • What to do when your Cat’s mouth is Bleeding
  • How to prevent Cat’s bleeding from the Mouth



Bleeding from Mouth

In cats, bleeding from the mouth is uncommon, and while it isn’t always an emergency, it usually indicates a disease that will need medical intervention. Bleeding from the mouth is often apparent, but there are times when the symptoms may be more subtle, such as blood spotted on the chest from drool or streaks of blood deposited throughout the fur from grooming.

Cat bleeding from Mouth: The Causes

Diseases of the mouth in cats can be caused by infections, injuries, tumors, or inflammatory disorders. A complete oral examination should be a part of your animal’s routine physical examination because oral diseases are most effectively treated with early diagnosis. Otherwise, many will remain hidden in the mouth and progress to an advanced stage.

While bleeding from the mouth may indicate internal bleeding or kidney disease, it is more often related to problems with the gums and teeth. Some of the reasons that you might see blood coming from your cat’s mouth include:


The most prevalent form of cancer that causes bleeding in the mouth is oral squamous cell carcinoma. This invasive and malignant condition needs surgery and a combination of radiation and chemotherapy to cure. Cancer-related bleeding frequently includes weight loss, bad breath, and edema in the tumor region.

Dental abscess

bleeding mouth on catsFrequently caused by broken teeth, dental abscesses also trigger drooling, difficulty eating, and scratching or pawing, particularly at one side of the mouth. Swelling and pain due to these bumps are typically warm to the touch and unpleasant and accompanied by a foul odor from the mouth.

Foreign object

Although it is less common for cats to swallow objects than dogs, it does happen. This is because, like a canine’s mouth, your cat’s teeth and gums are subject to many of the same oral diseases. Items such as needles, splinters of bone, or thorns can not only cause discomfort and bleeding in the mouth but, if left untreated, may migrate down into the throat, causing further damage or potentially deadly oral infections.

Periodontal disease

Gingivitis or any periodontal disease, the swelling and inflammation of the gums, is a common oral disorder for felines. Severe cases of gingivitis must be differentiated from stomatitis by the results of a blood test or a soft-tissue biopsy. They can lead to bacterial and fungal infections if left untreated.

Internal bleeding

If your cat is bleeding internally, you may also see blood coming from the nose or anus. Internal bleeding can cause a great deal of blood to be displaced from the circulatory system, leading to severe pain, weakness, bruising, breathing issues, and eventually, if untreated, life-threatening collapse and death. If you suspect your cat is bleeding internally, it should be treated as an emergency, and the cat should be taken to the nearest veterinarian right away.

Kidney disease

causes of bleeding mouthBecause of the cat’s high levels of urea released through its saliva, kidney failure is frequently accompanied by specific unique oral manifestations owing to the accumulation of excess urea in the body. In addition to ulcerated mouth sores, this disease is associated with breath that has strong ammonia or urine odor.


Stomatitis is an inflammatory condition of the mucous membranes in the mouth that advances deep into affected tissues. The inflammation of cats with feline stomatitis gradually worsens in the mouth, gums, and upper throat. The back of the throat tissues may be raised, with extensive ulcers. The origins are unknown, although it is possible that a reaction to a substance on the tooth surface is to blame.

Viruses that affect the immune system, like the feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, may also play a role. All that scientists know for sure is that affected cats develop a disproportionate reaction to plaque and bacteria that leads to excessive inflammation in the mouth.

Trauma to the mouth

Punctures, burns, and kicks to the face can all damage the mouth. Trauma-induced bleeding has a distinct scent if it is not treated; otherwise, untreated blood loss may cause oral infections in affected cats.

What to do when your cat’s mouth is bleeding

dry mouth from bleeding mouthBleeding from the mouth is uncommon in cats and should typically warrant a visit to the cat’s veterinarian. If the bleeding mouth is accompanied by the smell of ammonia or urea from the mouth or if lethargy, weakness, or pale mucous membranes are also present, the situation should be treated as an emergency. The animal should be taken to the vet immediately. Visits related to bleeding from the mouth will generally start with a complete physical examination.

During this evaluation, the veterinarian evaluating the situation will assess the animal for clinical signs of any physical wounds or pain that may indicate that physical trauma has occurred. They will also check for any foreign bodies or tumors visible in the oral cavity. The mouth area will be examined to check for signs of bacterial or viral infections, particularly around the teeth and gums, and contain the odor of the breath.

Several tests may be utilized along with the standard diagnostic tests of urinalysis, complete blood count, and a biochemical profile to uncover the underlying cause of the blood issuing from the animal’s mouth. This may include steps such as imaging of the oral area and possibly the abdominal area using x-rays, CT scans, MRIs, clotting tests, and tests designed to check the efficiency of the liver and kidneys.

If the cause of bleeding and bad breath is from dental disease, removal of plaque and tartar under general anesthesia is the first step in treatment. The deposits of tartar are removed, and the tooth surfaces are scaled and then polished. It is important to carefully clean the tissues beneath the gum line to remove any accumulated plaque or tartar. Overall, cats tend to do very well after this procedure and, once healed, tend to eat better.

The treatment of stomatitis involves treating the underlying cause of the problem if there is one that can be identified. Most often, no specific cause is determined. Many cats will require broad-spectrum antibiotics, chlorhexidine rinses or gels, and anti-inflammatory medications.

How to prevent Cat’s bleeding from the mouth

Bleeding from the mouth is triggered by several circumstances, some of which are easier to prevent than others. Food items that may splinter, such as chicken bones or if your cats eat canned food, should be avoided to prevent the possibility of getting it lodged in the oral cavity or throat as well as preventing gastrointestinal damage that may lead to internal bleeding.

Outdoor cats may have an increased chance of injury to the mouth due to cars, predatory animals, and even other cats, as well as a higher chance of ingesting poisons such as snail bait or plant fertilizers. Regular veterinary appointments are crucial for felines, particularly experts at hiding discomfort. These visits may help uncover any systemic infections or organ dysfunction before any symptoms arise. Regular dental care is critical when addressing the issues that cause bleeding from the mouth in cats.
